The Crystalline Twin Flame Mirror Healing


Use The Power Of 5D Light To Resolve “Reversed” Issues In Your Connection, And Dive Deep Into The Truth About Your Counterpart’s True Emotions And Thoughts 

I’m so excited to be sharing a brand new Twin Flame session with you!

It’s been a while since spirit has asked me to channel a new healing session for the Twin Flame collective (after working on the advanced Twin Flame coaching and group activations for the last 2 years)

But this year, with Pluto's entry into Aquarius and another layer of Twin Flame ascension coming, I was shown that it is time!

Because there are some key missing pieces for so many Twin Flames still.

Above all, in terms of perspective, approach and harmony on the HUMAN level of the connection.

This session is designed to powerfully go deep, with laser targeting, and zap any lingering sources of separation, running and other Twin Flame issues, at the ROOT.

Higher Levels Of Healing

This is NOT a regular “mirroring exercise” like what you may see online, which has been used in conventional couples’ therapy sessions for decades. 

This is quantum energy work.

It is an exceptionally high vibrational energetic crystalline healing process. Using the principles of the Twin Flame mirror, but on a much higher level!

X-Ray Into Your Twin’s Deeper Motivations

In this session spirit and I also guide you to crystal lucid clarity - and immense positive shifts.

Did you ever wonder what is really going on deep down, with your Twin?
Why they’re behaving how they are, and how to fix it once and for all?

Discover the answers now, and reach into immense peace and healing in your connection...

(More details below)

Click For Full Details On The Healing>>

The Truth About The Twin Flame Mirror

You may have already heard of the “Twin Flame mirror” or “mirroring” between you and your counterpart.

It means that in essence, everything you experience within yourself is reflected back to you in the “mirror” of your Twin Flame, and vice versa.

Therefore, so many of the things Twin Flames THINK are a problem in their connection, are actually not what they seem...

They are actually about something they are not consciously aware of on the 3D level, and we have to go deeper to understand what the ACTUAL cause is...

For example, if your Twin Flame is running, it could be a response to a fear inside of YOU.

Or if YOU feel afraid of abandonment by them, it could be a response to an old abandonment inside of THEM.

The Twin Flame Mirror brings pain to so many Twins - but it is MEANT to be a divine gift!
It's all about our approach: 
When we learn how to decode this divine process…
When we begin to work WITH the Twin Flame mirror…
We move forward with so much more speed and ease and flow on the Twin Flame journey!


Crystal Clarity

In this session, you will receive deep and powerful insights on your Twin Flame connection and what has really been going on between you, and smooth, accelerated positive shifts, on the quantum level.

The crystalline light is exceptionally powerful and is a 5th dimensional energy, so when we work with the crystalline realms this in itself helps lift your connection up above the lower 3D cycles and into a state of unity.
Acceleration Of The Journey

If you haven’t taken a session with me in a while, know that the level of work has amplified since before and this is powerful stuff.

As a healer, when I work with a group as in the gold coaching and channel activations for that sacred container, more and more of my higher ability and quantum healing connection is unlocked.

So now, you get to benefit from this even if you haven’t been in the actual coaching vortex!

I can't wait to hear about your experiences with this session.

I know there will be some major a-ha moments for you as well as breakthroughs in your connection!

Cassady x

The Crystalline Twin Flame Mirror Healing


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