Golden Light Infusion & Activation



- Powerful channeled, immersive energy transformation session with 432hz healing - created specifically to assist the Twin Flame collective during transitions and challenges

- Calming and deeply shielding you and your Twin from collective planetary negativity

- Fully activating your connection to your higher self

- Releasing you from old karmic realities ("the 3D" historical patterns of conflict, separation and suffering humanity has been stuck in)

- Cleansing out static and fear brought from “darkness” and worry rising collectively on the planet

- Infusing with golden light (the energy of support, love, being cherished and unconditionally held by source - the pure essence of "all is well")

- Activating the planetary grids to assist the collective in shifting into a new timeline for humanity long term

- Ushering in a new soul’s chapter moving you and your Twin from “lesson learning” and the 3D, into a higher state as “teachers of light”

 - Embodying more of your higher gifts and multidimensional, eternal self, and taking on a new and (even) more influential role in this lifetime...

What Do Other Twin Flames Say?

Click To See Full Details On The Session>>

Right now we have the opportunity to powerfully activate the planet’s own ascension into a higher state. To assist in the evolution of consciousness. To usher in a higher reality...

Which then supports your journey of reunion and unlocks a higher state between you and your counterpart.

Wherever in the world you are, we are all in this together. And right now, you and I and everyone in this community have the chance to make a big difference for everyone - including ourselves.

In this session we go through multiple activations of your system, shielding and protection, including uplifting the planetary grids, opening to the "new era" higher reality which is the physical world match to what you have been asking for - oneness.

In addition to the powerful energy work we take you through, this new channeled session is set to 432hz music, which is often called “Nature’s Healing Frequency”...

Known to ease anxiety, bring down heart rate and blood pressure, and generally have a soothing effect, promoting a sense of peace and well being.

It is said to assist the body and our energy flow to harmonize and function better, even assisting the release and transmutation of negativity.

Golden Light Infusion & Activation


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