Twin Flame Energy Forecast Sep 25th-Oct 1st: “It Was Always You”

Powerful Aries Full Moon Hits And Soul Love Boost Continues, Bringing Forward Motion To Twin Flame Connection. But What Is Waiting To Be Un-Done, To Get You To Your “Heaven On Earth”?


Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Libra season progresses – putting the focus on harmony with others. But, the powerful Full Moon in Aries asks you to be honest with yourself – so you can correct course once and for all to live your truth.

And, Venus/Juno continue to journey together, signalling progress for Twin Flames and soul led love. 

Discover more below! 

To see the rest of this week’s energy forecast, ACTIVATE a 10-day trial of Inner Circle Membership for just $1.00, then $4.97 per month.

Want more help? For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program.

10 modules and 6 powerful energy sessions to Heal the Mirror, Restore Harmony and Accelerate your Twin Flame Union.


Start shifting your Twin connection into harmony and accelerate your journey to union with powerful energy healing and quantum methods.

I take you through it step by step in the 10 module Vibrational Alignment Program for Twin Flames.

We cover subjects including:

*Signs and Recognition

*Healing The Twin Flame Mirror

*Past Life Discovery And Karmic Healing

*Twin Flame Telepathy and Remote Interactions

*Your Twin Flame Guidance Team And How To Receive More Divine Assistance

*Twin Flame Sex and Kundalini Awakening

*The Mission and your Life Path

*Twin Flame Troubleshooting

and so much more…

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(More Twin Flame testimonials and reviews of my sessions and coaching here!)

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