Twin Flame Energy Forecast Nov 27th – Dec 3rd: “Two Selves”

Sagittarius Season Roars Forward With Zest And Courage, Asking You To Dream Big And Take Guided Action! But, Gemini Full Moon Puts Pressure On The Twin Flame Connection – Did You Actually Abandon *Yourself* Along The Way?

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include: 

Sagittarius season continues, bringing powerful enthusiasm and zest for action! Dream big, but remember to ground in your vision so you don’t miss important details that make you trip up later…

And, balancing excess Masculine energy – adventures shared, or adventures with outsiders?

Plus, the deep revelation Pluto is working to bring the Feminine Twin… Have you actually abandoned YOURSELF? It’s time to resolve it. Discover how below!

(PS: My Thanksgiving offer is still valid until Tuesday: Use code “THANKFUL” to get 30% off any session or program of your choice as a token of my gratitude x)

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