Twin Flame Energy Forecast February 4th–10th: “The New Era”

Age Of Aquarius Intensifies With A Powerful New Moon And Mercury Ingress… But, Do You Feel More Interested In Your Own Happiness Than In Romance – Even With Your Counterpart Closer? This Is The Cosmic Reason Why!

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Mercury is still teamed up with Pluto, find out what was secret or hidden –  to awaken you to your soul’s truth! Plus, learn all the details surrounding the deeply beneficial Aquarius New Moon to open to the full power of the new “golden age” emerging.

 The key is, it involves disappointment around your true calling… And where you were “talked out” of your soul path/Twin Flame unity.

 Venus and Mars are set to meet in their rare “Reunion” in a few weeks, discover how to use this to your advantage

more below…


To read the rest of this weeks forecast > >Join The Twin Flames 11:11 Inner Circle 

It doesn’t matter what’s come before or what we call it – when your energy shifts, your connection and your situation begin to shift too!


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