Twin Flame Energy Forecast April 29th–May 5th: “A New Beginning”


Masculine And Feminine Return “Home”, Starting A Brand New Cycle In Love And On The Twin Flame Journey! But Pluto Retrograde Brings Strange Unconscious Shifts – What If None Of The Issues You’ve Faced Were Really “Yours”?…

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

New chapter starting in the Twin Flame connection as Mars and Venus return home. Plus, Neptune brings important spiritual insights, unconscious shifts and supernatural Twin Flame phenomena…

But, will you be able to navigate the shadows of this powerful shift?
Beware the double-edged sword of the return, and Pluto Retrograde’s exceptional lessons!

Find out how this week’s energies will impact YOUR Twin Flame situation!

To read the rest of this weeks forecast > >Join The Twin Flames 11:11 Inner Circle 

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