Your Venus Sign Decoded - A Personal Channeled Report Detailing You And Your Twin Flames Unique Path
Learn About Your Cosmic "Love Destiny", And Your Twin Flame Path Written In The Stars At Your Birth...
Did you know that when you were born, your soul had already made choices about your traits, your gifts, the "lessons" that lay ahead...
Your soul had already made choices around what love patterning to explore and develop in this lifetime...
Including what emotional challenges you might face, what kinds of people you'd be attracted to, what dynamics would be most fulfilling to you... and the deeper cosmic "purpose" of your unique way of loving and being loved.
In other words, the "secret keys" to your heart.
In this report I give you a personal channeled message about your sign's unique path and configurations.
I also give you insights into your Twin Flame's love imprinting - including their biggest turnoffs, the secret reasons they might be pulling away from love, and what they truly long for in a partner...
Discovering The Auguries Of Venus
So how can we find out all of this? From the placement of Venus, the planet of love, in your birth charts. This shows us your soul's plan for love and relationships in this lifetime.
In the reading I teach you how to find your Venus placement and give you spiritually channeled insights on what lessons, challenges, blessings, gifts and purpose there is to your exact placement (and your Twin's)!
Plus, how to navigate your cosmic love path successfully for a happy Twin Flame journey back to unity!
I can't wait to share the cosmic insights waiting for you!
What People Say:

Hi, I'm Cassady Cayne...
I founded Twin Flames 11:11 in 2014 after my own awakening.
I was thrown into the Twin Flame journey head-first, experiencing a powerful Kundalini triggering that released latent psychic abilities and turned my world upside down.
I've now spent years researching the Twin Flame dynamic, coaching and helping other Twins, and am at the union stage of my journey.
As a natural intuitive healer and channel of spirit, with an academic background in psychology, my work is all about helping Twin Flames use deep mindfulness and quantum energy tools to harmonize their connection and reunite in love.
If you're new here, welcome! Whether you're looking for info, help and support as a Twin Flame or want to learn more about the connection, you've come to the right place...

Your Venus Sign Decoded - Discover Your Cosmic Love Destiny