Twin Flame Higher Ascension 3 x Journey Pack 

>>Click Each Tool To Learn More



>>Twin Flame Star Activation Ceremony

>>Higher Dimensional Anchoring And Awakening For Twin Flames

>>Twin Flame Spirit Animal Session - Union Path, Alchemy

(Click through each title for a full description of the individual sessions)

This bundle is for you if you’re at a more advanced stage of your journey…

If you are hungry for deeper spiritual understanding and expanding into more of your higher consciousness…

If you want to tap into your dimensional powers, activate more of your soul gifts and life purpose, and if you want to activate more of your shamanic connection with nature…

This bundle is all about the esoteric, expansive, consciousness shifting side of the Twin Flame connection.

If you’re ready to open to your ancient priestess or master power…

If you’re ready to amplify your highest ascension path…

And, if you’re ready to tap into the soul realms to help your counterpart release ego veils and 3D masks - in full free will agreement… So the two of you can move forward into a new higher chapter of your journey…This is for you!

Twin Flame Higher Ascension 3 x Journey Pack 

>>Click Each Tool To Learn More



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