Complete Twin Flame Harmony Healing 



- Deep Chakra Cleanse, Shielding & Protection, Cutting Cords/Residue From Outsiders And Past Sexual Connections. Removing triggers of Twin Flame Running and Separation, to open to harmony and togetherness.

*Chakra System Clearing - Removing congestion, debris, negativity, outdated ancestral programming

*Clearing Channels between the Twin Flames to eradicate potential triggers and harmonize the dynamic, bringing you closer in 3D

*Updating both your Akashic Records to clear out any patterns/behaviors that may have been blocking you

*Shielding for the Twin Pair to protect from harsh outside energies and influence

*Unifying and Uplifting your Paths and Timelines to the highest dimension/vibration

*Downloading new Light Codes and Programming to you both to assist your forward journey

Click For Full Details On The Session>>

This is a specially designed channeled meditation, intentionally short for repeat daily use for maximum benefit to recondition your subconscious.

A complete cleanse and update clearing meditation, created to bring all aspects of your journey into harmony. Designed intentionally short and potent for repeat daily use.

On the Twin Flame journey, and especially when Twins start to enter into the soul merge process - energies and information begin to blend between the two Twin Flames' energy systems, and there can be triggering and "issues" as negativity travels back and forth.

I was asked to create this complete healing and clearing meditation by spirit, to ensure a smooth unfolding of Twin Flames' journeys in all aspects.

This healing is in alignment with Free Will, and your Twin's higher self will be releasing what they are ready to let go of.

This deep meditation healing is designed to give you a complete clearing and update on all fronts:

We go through a deep cleanse of both Twins' chakra systems and all channels between the Twins - cleansing out all congestion, negativity, outdated ancestral programming and blocks to ensure the healthy functioning of your systems both individually and in interaction.

This clearing will clear out potential triggers of running/chasing/separation and ensure that only high vibrational energies are blending between you.

Plus, shielding for the Twin pair to protect you both from harsh outside energies, influence and congestion. We also update your information to clear out any patterns that may have been holding you back or blocking you.

Plus, we unify your paths and timelines to the highest dimension and vibration possible. We also download new light codes and programming to assist the smooth unfolding of your Union.


Complete Twin Flame Harmony Healing 


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