The Twin Flame Summit

Reach into your highest Twin Flame unity

I’m so happy to launch my brand new Monthly Membership:

To help you ascend into the unity and love you are HERE for as souls, I have created a wealth of new content ... To help you take action with ease and shift into harmony - no matter what has happened in the past between you!

In the new membership, you'll gain access to:

- New exclusive monthly training materials and mini courses for the Twin Flame journey

- A streamlined archive of powerful Q&As

- Interactive workbooks to harmonize key facets of the Twin Flame connection

- Brand new teachings on advanced Twin Flame subjects

(and so much more!)

This membership is created to help you:

  • Accelerate your path into harmony and love
  • Reach higher into unity and your souls’ purpose
  • Reunite and enjoy your happiest journey together (Yes, even if you have had struggles in the past or are not physically together right now!)
  • Understand the connection in-depth, and open to higher levels of your soul’s development into light and joy

What you will receive:

Item1 :

Instant access to 7 Core Curriculum Twin Flame Video Courses for a strong foundation on your journey

(Covers the Twin Flame Stages, Twin Flame Recognition and Identifying/Verifying Your True Twin Soul, Resolving Twin Flame Running, Resolving Twin Flame Separation, Embodying Self Love, and more...)

Item2 :

A new monthly Twin Flame Video Mini-Course, to help you elevate your journey into more love

(We cover subjects including ancient Twin Flame symbolism, intuition development, the chakra system, karma, starseeds, kundalini energy, divine guidance, the Twin Flame mission and more)

Item3 :

High vibrational frequency meditations to center yourself into peace and the now moment, so you are aligned with attracting love even in stressful times

Item4 :

Full access to powerful Twin Flame Q&As, advanced articles and more, for immediate answers

Item5 :

Workbooks and journalling prompts to help you actively harmonize and uplift your connection into love

Item6 :

Monthly channeled Twin Flame update with insights, inspiration and guidance

Item7 :

10% off energy journeys

What are the benefits?

  • Step off the Twin Flame rollercoaster and into unity, with aligned guidance and support from an award winning Twin Flame coach and clear channel energy healer with over 9 years' experience in the subject
  • Conquer fear and doubt, open to inner peace
  • Vanquish negativity and never get triggered into falling off track again
  •  Stand strong in your journey, with inner wholeness
  • Become magnetic to love and flow on your journey 
  • Accelerate your healing, so you can experience more joy and less stress
  • Step out of overwhelm and open to your soul’s bliss
  • Go deep into spiritual evolution and advanced understanding - to unleash higher chapters of your journey!

Sign up now to get the founder’s circle pricing - for 2 weeks only


You missed out!

When signing up as a Twin Flame Founders’ circle member, you are guaranteed that your membership fee will never increase, and you carry benefits as an official founding member “forever”!

Founder’s perks (not available to later signups):

  • The Twin Flame Masterclass (45 minute video training on resolving issues, lifting out of the roller-coaster and into harmony no matter what has happened in the past) 
  • Subliminal Love Magnetism Hypnosis Audio (reprogram your unconsciousbeliefs by simply listening to this music track with hidden positive entrainment your conscious mind cannot hear - no effort needed)
  • “Decoding Your Cosmic Love Blueprint - Venus signs” (eBook on what you and your Twin Flame’s Venus signs mean for your connection - gifts, blessings, challenges, sources of passion, turn-offs, deepest heart-felt desires, and more)

What happens if you wait?

After 2 weeks, the monthly fee increases to $14.99 per month ($139 per year) and bonuses disappear

Not quite sure yet?
Don’t worry!

You can join, explore and automatically end your subscription any time you want!
(However, advanced trainings will be reset if you cancel. If you sign up again, you
will have to advance through the trainings and content from scratch).

“The problem with Twin Flames”

There is so much confusion out there about the Twin Flame journey, now more than ever.

Often, Twins get caught up in information overload - full of uncertainty due to taking advice from a gazillion different people and sources of info, and never anchoring into true LOVE and the EMBODIMENT of Twin Flame unity.

Therefore, Union keeps ELUDING them, and they chase for even MORE
information and advice from unqualified or un-aligned people.

And they stay in this vicious cycle of confusion and stress, Thinking their Twin Flame Connection is the problem…

When really, it’s their APPROACH that’s keeping them alienated from the love that really WANTS to reach them all along. 

Ultimately, your current situation is the evidence of what you have aligned with. So what is going on between you and your Twin right now? Are you happy and in love and enjoying your journey together?

If not, it means something needs to change in your APPROACH and ALIGNMENT, to get you there.

So what’s the solution? Get dependable, clear guidance. Recalibrate your set point and inner alignment. Simplify. Get to know YOURSELF. Shift your energy and deeper mindset to be a MATCH with love and unity.

This membership is designed to help you cut through the confusion that is running rampant out there, and give you clear, aligned info and powerful, easy to implement steps to take day by day…

So you’re a natural, effortless MATCH with calling in love and unity - and ENJOYING your journey every step of the way.

What can this membership do for you?
Feel into this...

  • What would it be like to have the RIGHT steps to take at every crossroads and challenge, instead of being stuck in uncertainty?
  • What would it feel like to have opened your connection to actual embodied LOVE, and togetherness? Not feeling the dread of losing your Twin all the time.
  • What would it feel like to release all the drama and have inner peace? To actually lift into enjoying your journey every step of the way?
  • What would it feel like to understand exactly how to reunite and share love with your Twin Flame no matter what?

What People Say:

About your guide Cassady Cayne

Cassady Cayne is an award winning coach and energy healer, natural intuitive
and channel of spirit with an academic background in psychology and history.

Pioneering energy work for the Twin Flame journey, Cassady was thrown into the Twin Flame journey head-first, experiencing a powerful Kundalini triggering that released latent psychic abilities which turned her life upside down. She has spent years researching the Twin Flame dynamic and is at the union stage of her journey.

Since founding Twin Flames 11:11 in 2015, Cassady has become a WSJ/USA Today bestselling Hay House/Penguin Random House author and has reached over a million people with her work.

She has been featured in major media including Psychology Today, Mindvalley, Entrepreneur, Yahoo! and more, speaking at the “You Can Heal Your Life Summit” alongside leading authors such as Dr Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein and Dr Joe Dispenza.

After opening to new states of perception, energy work and consciousness shifts changed Cassady’s life and Twin Flame connection beyond recognition, she now wants to share that help with others - using deep energetic work to uplift into a higher state of being.

Unlocking unconditional love and unity in the Twin Flame connection.

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